Getting bigger
Hello! It's been a while since my last post. I have been very busy being a big sister to Ariana and working hard at getting stronger. Since you last heard from me, I have learned to roll, sit up, and get on my hands and knees! I will be crawling in no time :) In June, I will be starting an intensive feeding program at UofM Mott. The goal is to get rid of this feeding tube once and for all! The program is 6-8 weeks long, but I get to go home on nights and weekends :) I am so lucky to have awesome grandparents who will be helping mom and dad take me to my appointments and watching my three siblings. I will be finishing up my program just in time for my big walk/run. The 2nd annual "Move for Emme" walk/run will be Saturday, August 19th at Indian Springs Metropark. Stayed tuned for more details :) Hopefully, next time I see you, this tube will be gone and I'll be eating like a pro! As always, thank you for your love and support! xoxo, Emme